Thursday 6 March 2014

Jonathan Baker and Sarah Bailey - Visual Merchandising For Fashion Book Launch

Jonathan Baker and Sarah Bailey 
Visual Merchandising For Fashion Book Launch
6th Mach 2014
Proportion London

What a fabulous launch party!
An array of Visual Merchandising's key players amongst the guests , an inspiring show piece, free bar and popcorn!

 (This photo is shared from the internet)

Rhythm and Repetition

 The mannequins are perfectly framed by the door frame as you walk in.
The rhythm of this installation is so strong and cleverly arranged, from this view you really did feel as if the mannequins were going to come to life and march towards you,  they are on show and you are viewing from the outside.

Very clever use of colour. 
The mannequins are different gradients of blue. 
Starting with the lightest at the front and darkest at the back, wigs to match. 
Your eye is naturally drawn to the darkest colour however these mannequins have been arranged so the lightest colour is the one grabbing your attention.

Interestingly if you entered the installation from the second entrance you became part of the show....join the que awaiting your turn to strut down the runway.

Walking with the are then walking with the installation rather than having it coming at you. 

Thank you for viewing this post I hope you enjoyed it!

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